North Carolina is home to 2,411,100 Black residents
Which is roughly 22% of the North Carolina State population! NC is home to strong organizations that are working to educate, engage, and turnout Black Voters in North Carolina year round
Which is roughly 22% of the North Carolina State population! NC is home to strong organizations that are working to educate, engage, and turnout Black Voters in North Carolina year round
Members of the Black Donor Network are politically engaged members of the community who look to support exclusively Black organizing in the State!
Our Goal is to strategically build a community of people who are interested in strengthening Black organizing around the State through facilitating money into the network! The network will think strategically about how we can take advantage of our own networks and align funds to create a stronger base of Black organizing around the State!
If you are interested in giving to efforts that are identifying candidates and directly contacting voters to get to the polls please donate to our C4
If you are interested in donating to activities like Voter Registration, Election Protection, and Get out the vote work Donate to our C3.
Advance Carolina
New Rural Project
New North Carolina Project
NC Black Alliance
New North Carolina C3
All of our members are focused on being dedicated fundraisers for the network. If you are interested in joining us please fill out an intake form and someone from the network will reach out to you. In order to be a member of the Network it is a $1,000 down payment and investment to join.
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